- Vidakovic L, Mikhaleva S, Jeckel H, Nisnevich V, Strenger K, Neuhaus K, Raveendran K, Bossel Ben-Moshe N, Aznaourova M, Nosho K, Drescher A, Schmeck B, Schulte LN, Persat A, Avraham R, Drescher K.
Biofilm formation on human immune cells is a multicellular predation strategy of Vibrio cholerae
Cell, (IF 66.8), 2023, 186(12):2690-2704.e20 link
- Aznaourova M, Schmerer N, Janga H, Zhang Z, Pauck K, Bushe J, Volkers SM, Wendisch D, Georg P, Ntini E, Aillaud M, Gündisch M, Mack E, Skevaki C, Keller C, Bauer C, Bertrams W, Marsico A, Nist A, Stiewe T, Gruber AD, Ruppert C, Li Y, Garn H, Sander LE, Schmeck B, Schulte LN.
Single-cell RNA sequencing uncovers the nuclear decoy lincRNA PIRAT as a regulator of systemic monocyte immunity during COVID-19.
PNAS, (IF 11.2), 2022, 119(36):e2120680119 link
- Aznaourova M, Janga H, Sefried S, Kaufmann A, Dorna J, Volkers SM, Georg P, Lechner M, Hoppe J, Dökel S, Schmerer N, Gruber AD, Linne U, Bauer S, Sander LE, Schmeck B, Schulte LN.
Noncoding RNA MaIL1 is an integral component of the TLR4–TRIF pathway.
PNAS (IF 11.2), 2020, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1920393117 link
- Schulte LN, Schweinlin M, Westermann AJ, Janga H, Santos SC, Appenzeller S, Walles H, Vogel J, Metzger M.
An advanced human intestinal co-culture model reveals compartmentalized host and pathogen strategies during Salmonella infection.
mBio (IF 6.75), 2020, 11(1): e03348-19 link
- Saliba AE, Li L, Westermann A, Appenzeller S. Stapels DAC, Schulte LN, Helaine S, Vogel J.
Single‐cell RNA‐seq ties macrophage polarization to growth rate of intracellular Salmonella.
Nature Microbiology (IF 14.2), 2016, 2:16206 link
- Dörner PJ, Anandakumar H, Röwekamp I, Vernengo FF, Pascual-Leone BM, Krzanowski M, Sellmaier J, Brüning U, Fritsche-Guenther R, Pfannkuch L, Kurth F, Milek M, Igbokwe V, Löber U, Gutbier B, Holstein M, Heinz GA, Mashreghi MF, Schulte LN, Klatt AB, Caesar S, Wienhold SM, Offermanns S, Mack M, Witzenrath M, Jordan S, Beule D, Kirwan JA, Forslund SK, Wilck N, Bartolomaeus H, Heimesaat MM & Bastian Opitz.
Clinically used broad-spectrum antibiotics compromise inflammatory monocyte-dependent antibacterial defense in the lung
Nature Communications, (IF 16.6), 2024, 15, Article number: 2788 link
- Vidakovic L, Mikhaleva S, Jeckel H, Nisnevich V, Strenger K, Neuhaus K, Raveendran K, Bossel Ben-Moshe N, Aznaourova M, Nosho K, Drescher A, Schmeck B, Schulte LN, Persat A, Avraham R, Drescher K.
Biofilm formation on human immune cells is a multicellular predation strategy of Vibrio cholerae
Cell, (IF 66.8), 2023, 186(12):2690-2704.e20 link
- Zhang B, Zhang Z, Koeken VACM, Kumar S, Aillaud A, Tsay HC, Liu Z, Kraft ARM, Soon CF, Odak I, Bošnjak B, Vlot A; Deutsche COVID-19 OMICS Initiative (DeCOI); Swertz MA, Ohler U, Geffers R, Illig T, Huehn J, Saliba AE, Sander LE, Förster R, Xu CU, Cornberg M, Schulte LN, Li Y.
Altered and allele-specific open chromatin landscape reveals epigenetic and genetic regulators of innate immunity in COVID-19.
Cell Genomics, 2023, 8;3(2):100232
- Del Fresno C, Schulte LN, López-Collazo E.
Editorial: Role of hypoxia-inducible factors in metabolic immune cell adaptation during sepsis.
Frontiers in Immunology, 2023, 14:1194504.
- Aznaourova M, Schmerer N, Janga H, Zhang Z, Pauck K, Bushe J, Volkers SM, Wendisch D, Georg P, Ntini E, Aillaud M, Gündisch M, Mack E, Skevaki C, Keller C, Bauer C, Bertrams W, Marsico A, Nist A, Stiewe T, Gruber AD, Ruppert C, Li Y, Garn H, Sander LE, Schmeck B, Schulte LN.
Single-cell RNA sequencing uncovers the nuclear decoy lincRNA PIRAT as a regulator of systemic monocyte immunity during COVID-19.
PNAS, (IF 11.2), 2022, 119(36):e2120680119
- Aznaourova A, Schmerer S, Janga H, Zhang Z, Pauck K, Hoppe J, Volkers SM, Wendisch D, Georg P, Gündisch M, Mack E, Skevaki C, Keller C, Bauer C, Bertrams W, Nist A, Stiewe T, Gruber AD, Ruppert C, Li Y, Garn H, Sander LE, Schmeck B, Schulte LN.
Single cell RNA-seq uncovers the nuclear decoy lincRNA PIRAT as a regulator of systemic monocyte immunity during COVID-19.
BioRxiv (preprint),
- Schmerer N, Schulte LN.
Long noncoding RNAs in bacterial infection.
WIRES RNA, (IF 9.9), 2021, 12(6):e1664
- Linden G, Janga H, Franz M, Nist A, Stiewe T, Schmeck B, Vázquez O, Schulte LN.
Efficient antisense inhibition reveals microRNA-155 to restrain a late-myeloid inflammatory programme in primary human phagocytes.
RNA Biology, (IF 5.35), in press,
- Walther K, Schulte LN.
The role of lncRNAs in innate immunity and inflammation.
RNA Biology (IF 5.35), 2021, doi: 10.1080/15476286.2020.1845505
- Leister H, Luu M, Staudenraus D, Lopez Krol A, Mollenkopf HJ, Sharma A, Schmerer N, Schulte LN, Bertrams W, Schmeck B, Bosmann M, Steinhoff U and Visekruna A.
Pro- and anti-tumorigenic capacity of immunoproteasomes in shaping the tumor microenvironment.
Cancer Immunology Research (IF 8.7), 2021, doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-20-0492
- Aznaourova M, Janga H, Sefried S, Kaufmann A, Dorna J, Volkers SM, Georg P, Lechner M, Hoppe J, Dökel S, Schmerer N, Gruber AD, Linne U, Bauer S, Sander LE, Schmeck B, Schulte LN.
Noncoding RNA MaIL1 is an integral component of the TLR4–TRIF pathway.
PNAS (IF 11.2), 2020, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1920393117
- Aznaourova M, Schmerer N, Schmeck B, Schulte LN.
Disease-causing mutations and rearrangements in lncRNA gene loci.
Frontiers in Genetics, 2020, in press
- Aillaud M, Schulte LN.
Emerging Roles of Long Noncoding RNAs in the Cytoplasmic Milieu.
Non-coding RNA, 2020, doi: 10.3390/ncrna6040044
- Aznaourova M, Schulte LN.
Non-coding RNA Networks in Infection.
Systems Medicine: Integrative, Qualitative and Computational Approaches, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.11610-1
- Schulte LN, Schweinlin M, Westermann AJ, Janga H, Santos SC, Appenzeller S, Walles H, Vogel J, Metzger M.
An advanced human intestinal co-culture model reveals compartmentalized host and pathogen strategies during Salmonella infection.
mBio (IF 6.75), 2020, 11(1): e03348-19
- Jung S, von Thülen T, Yang I, Laukemper V, Rupf B, Janga H, Panagiotidis GD, Schoen A, Nicolai M, Schulte LN, Obermann HL, Weber F, Kaufmann A, Bauer S.
A ribosomal RNA fragment with 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate and GTP-binding activity acts as RIG-I ligand.
Nucleic Acids Res (IF 11.5), 2020, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa739
- Herkt CE, Caffrey BE, Surmann K, Blankenburg S, Gesell Salazar M, Jung AL, Herbel SM, Hoffmann K, Schulte LN, Chen W, Sittka-Stark A, Völker U, Vingron M, Marsico A, Bertrams W, Schmeck B.
A MicroRNA Network Controls Legionella pneumophila Replication in Human Macrophages via LGALS8 and MX1.
mBio (IF 6.75). 2020 Mar 24;11(2). pii: e03155-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.03155-19
- Karwelat D, Schmeck B, Ringel M, Benedikter BJ, Hübner K, Beinborn I, Maisner A, Schulte LN, Vollmeister E.
Influenza virus‐mediated suppression of bronchial Chitinase‐3‐like 1 secretion promotes secondary pneumococcal infection.
FASEB J (IF 4.97). 2020 Oct 23.
- Tariq I, Ali MY, Janga H, Ali S, Amin MU, Ambreen G, Ali U, Pinnapireddy SR, Schäfer J, Schulte LN, Bakowsky U.
Downregulation of MDR 1 gene contributes to tyrosine kinase inhibitor induce apoptosis and reduction in tumor metastasis: A gravity to space investigation.
Int J Pharm (IF 4.85). 2020 Oct 18; 119993
- Aguirre LA, Montalbán-Hernández K, Avendaño-Ortiz J, Marín E, Lozano R, Toledano V, Sánchez-Maroto L, Terrón V, Valentín J, Pulido E, Casalvilla JC, Rubio C, Diekhorst L, Laso-García F, del Fresno C, Collazo-Lorduy A, Jiménez-Munarriz B, Gómez-Campelo P, Llanos-González E, Fernández-Velasco M, Rodríguez-Antolín C, Pérez de Diego R, Cantero-Cid R, Hernádez-Jimenez E, Álvarez E, Rosas R, dies López-Ayllón B, de Castro J, K. Wculek S, Cubillos-Zapata C, Ibáñez de Cáceres I, Díaz-Agero P, Gutiérrez Fernández M, Paz de Miguel M, Sancho D, Schulte LN, Perona R, Belda-Iniesta C, Boscá L, López-Collazo E.
Tumor stem cells fuse with monocytes to form highly invasive tumor-hybrid cells.
OncoImmunology (IF 5.87). 2020, Volume 9, Issue 1,
- Schulte LN, Bertrams W, Stielow C, Schmeck B.
ncRNAs in Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases.
Methods Mol Biol, 2019, 1912:3-32. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8982-9_1
- Schulte LN, Vázquez O.
Fluorescent Dye Facilitates the Analysis of the Survival Strategies of Disease-causing Agents.
G.I.T. Laboratory Journal, 2/2019, 20-22
- Brown P, Schulte LN (as part of the RELISH Consortium), Zhou Y.
Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search.
Database, 2019, doi: 10.1093/database/baz085
- Limburg H, Harbig A, Bestle D, Stein DA, Moulton HM, Jaeger J, Janga H, Hardes K, Koepke J, Schulte LN, Koczulla AR, Schmeck B, Klenk HD, Böttcher-Friebertshäuser E.
TMPRSS2 is the major activating protease of influenza A virus in primary human airway cells and influenza B virus in human type II pneumocytes.
Journal of Virology, 2019, doi: 10.1128/JVI.00649-19
- Schulte LN, Heinrich B, Janga H, Schmeck BT, Vázquez O.
A Far-Red Fluorescent DNA Binder Enables Interaction Studies of Live Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens and Host Cells.
Angewandte Chemie (IF 12.1), 2018,
- Janga H, Aznaourova M, Boldt F, Damm K, Grünweller A, Schulte LN.
Cas9-mediated excision of proximal DNaseI/H3K4me3 signatures confers robust silencing of microRNA and long non-coding RNA genes.
PLOS One (IF 2.8), 2018,
- Janga H, Aznaourova M, Boldt F, Damm K, Grünweller A, Schulte LN.
Mammalian non-coding RNA knockout through epigenetic start signature excision. 2018,
- Scheller N, Herold S, Kellner R, Bertrams W, Jung AL, Janga H, Greulich T, Schulte LN, Vogelmeier CF, Lohmeyer J, Schmeck B.
Pro-viral miRNAs detected in BALF extracellular vesicles of patients with influenza virus-induced ARDS.
Journal of Infectious Diseases (IF: 5.2), 2018,
- Schulz C, Lai X, Bertrams W, Jung AL, Sittka-Stark A, Herkt CE, Janga H, Zscheppang K, Stielow C, Schulte LN, Hippenstiel S, Vera J, Schmeck B.
THP-1-derived macrophages render lung epithelial cells hypo-responsive to Legionella pneumophila – A systems biology study.
Scientific Reports (IF 4.1), 2017, 7(1)
- Saliba AE, Li L, Westermann A, Appenzeller S. Stapels DAC, Schulte LN, Helaine S, Vogel J.
Single‐cell RNA‐seq ties macrophage polarization to growth rate of intracellular Salmonella.
Nature Microbiology (IF 14.2), 2016, 2:16206
- Westermann AJ, Förstner K, Amman F, Barquist L, Chao Y, Schulte LN, Müller L, Reinhardt R, Stadler PF, Vogel J.
Dual RNA-seq unveils noncoding RNA functions in Salmonella-host interplay.
Nature (IF 41.5), 2016, 529(7587):496-501
- Schulte LN, Westermann AJ, Vogel J.
Differential activation and functional specialization of miR-155 and miR-146 in innate immune sensing.
Nucleic Acid Research (IF 10.2), 2013, 41(1):542-553
- Eulalio A, Schulte LN, Vogel J (2012).
The mammalian miRNA response to bacterial infections.
RNA Biology (IF 5.2), 2012, 9(6):742-750
- Schulte LN, Eulalio A, Mollenkopf H-J, Reinhardt R, Vogel J.
Analysis of the host miRNA response to Salmonella uncovers the control of major cytokines by the let-7 family.
EMBO Journal (IF 10.6), 2011, 30:1977-1989
- Heale BS, Eulalio A, Schulte LN, Vogel J, O’Connell MA.
Analysis of A to I editing of miRNA in macrophages exposed to Salmonella.
RNA Biology (IF 5.2), 2010, 7(5):621-7